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This Web site is intended as a resource for all collectors of antique chain saws and those who work towards the preservation of the history of the Chain Saw Industry. It is also intended as a resource for Chain Saw Dealers who wish to identify a saw model or "date" a saw. The information is taken from primary sources where available and is as accurate as we can make it. We welcome input from other collectors. Several have helped with the information found here. Help us fill in the blanks if you have data on a saw. If you cannot find information here on a saw you have in your possession it may because we have no record of it. Do not hesitate to contact us. To register as a collector send an email.

If you have written an article about the history of any part of the industry we may be interested in posting it in this page
If you have worked in the industry be it in engineering, advertising, sales, marketing etc we would like to hear from you.

Please register your address via email to
Mike Acres
Chain Saw Collectors Corner

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Copyright © 2000-2025 MIKE ACRES - All rights are reserved.